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Women in Planning Committee members included on RTPI The Planner’s Women of Influence list 2018

The Planner’s Women of Influence 2018 has been published to mark International Women’s Day on the 08 March. The list includes incredible women from across the planning profession. Women in Planning are very proud to announce that members of our Committee Branches and Co-Founders have been included. The Planner’s Women of Influence 2018 has been published to mark International Women’s Day on the 08 March. The list includes incredible women from across the planning profession. Women in Planning are very proud to announce that members of our Committee Branches and Co-Founders have been included:

  • Jill Bell MRTPI – chair of Women in Planning in the North West and consultant with HGH Consulting.


  • Mary Fortune MRTPI – chair of Women in Planning, London and senior planner with Savills.


  • Emma Langmaid MRTPI – chair of Women in Planning South Wales and director of Prospero Planning.


  • Alison Mackay MRTPI – co-founder of Women in Planning and senior planner with Colliers International; active with RTPI London.


  • Charlotte Morphet MRTPI – co-founder of the expanding Women in Planning network and principal policy planner at the London Borough of Waltham Forest; RTPI General Assembly member.


  • Sarah Reid – planning barrister with Kings Chambers, with a particular specialism in highways law; mentor to colleagues at Kings and board member of Women in Planning North West.​

​​​ See the full list of inspiration women here:

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